Helena Hartmann
Helena Hartmann
Open Science
Helena Hartmann
Side-effects are often a curse. Can they also be a blessing?
The effectiveness of preregistration in psychology: Assessing preregistration strictness and preregistration-study consistency
The Replication Database: Documenting the replicability of psychological science
A systematic review and multivariate meta-analysis of the physical and mental health benefits of touch interventions
Stage 1 Programmatic Registered Report: Open Scholarship and Feedback in Applied Research/Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Applied Research: A Qualitative Registered Report
Cognitive Control: Exploring the causal role of the rTPJ in empathy for pain mediated by contextual information
Open-label placebo treatment does not enhance cognitive abilities in healthy volunteers
ARIADNE – a scientific navigator to find your way through the resource labyrinth
A pill as a quick solution: association between painkiller intake, empathy, and prosocial behavior
To respond or not to respond: Exploring empathy-related psychological and structural brain differences between placebo analgesia responders and non-responders
Incorporating feminist practices into (psychological) science - the why, the what and the how
Behavioral and neural underpinnings of positive and negative treatment expectations, and their effects on pain (DRKS preregistration)
Teaching open and reproducible scholarship: a critical review of the evidence base for current pedagogical methods and their outcomes
Your pain in my brain
The nocebo effect: The placebo’s “evil twin”
Placebo analgesia reduces costly prosocial helping to lower another’s pain
Bridging neurodiversity and open scholarship: How shared values can guide best practices for research integrity, social justice, and principled education
Emotional ego- and altercentric biases in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence
Introducing a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT)
Placebo analgesia does not reduce empathy for naturalistic depictions of others’ pain in a somatosensory specific way
Navigating Open Science as Early Career Feminist Researchers
Neural correlates of interpersonal space permeability and flexibility in autism spectrum disorder
Another's pain in my brain - No evidence that placebo analgesia affects the sensory-discriminative component in empathy for pain
Another’s Pain in my Social Brain: The Effects of Placebo (Empathy) Analgesia on Social Behavior (OSF preregistration)
The Effects of Placebo Analgesia on Interoceptive Abilities (OSF preregistration)
Another’s Pain in my Brain: Clarifying the Specificity of the Effects of Placebo Analgesia on First-Hand and Empathy for Pain (OSF preregistration)